Carlson Grade Released Changes Target audience is end users. Version 1.5 RC1: 1. Made the last button (ID_F7) programable for mining between log and exit. 2. Made the color scheme, toolbar placement, and reverse video "operator centric". 3. Moved Edit and Create project to Advanced tools. 4. Added Task/Delay editing code in Advanced tools. 5. Added auto-starfire setup when logging into CG. 6. Added project description to status area 7. Made the field views not display distance, turn direction, and compass settings for initial point. 8. Added "Actual" elevation and "Primary" cut/fill to field view. 9. Fixed lock up in field points when corrupt CRD file is encountered. 10. Auto-Points for civil does not show elevation and shows description. 11. Removed azimuth display in field view. 12. Changed azimuth to "bearing" to point in navigate screen. 13. Project now updated in "Current Project" label. 14. Empty project file case fixed to work properly on drill start-up with "All Designed Points" or "Field Marked Points" as the default Navigation mode. 15. Fixed "Equipment On" label inconsistancy. 16. "On/Off" changed to "Use" in Alignment Editor. 17. V-Offset will now be displayed in the status area for no activity and the offset not 0. Otherwise it will display for 5 seconds when changed. 18. Added dual cut/fill display for independent of cut/fill position. 19. Added drill specific simulation keys. 20. Added cut/fill color map in plan view. 21. Added station formatting option. 22. Moved DAT file selection into localization options dialog. 23. Exit button will show in all screens. Log will only show where it is needed. 24. Localization options moved into alignment editor. 25. Fixed the drawing and calculation of the drill point to work properly. 26. Modified a few names in the excavator and drill configuration screens for clarity. Need to make sure old cfg files from drill are removed. Only button text changed for excavator, so this does not require new cfg file. 27. Made sure nodelists (drill holes or points) were updated in the navigate view when the crdfile or datfile changed and prompted user to select the new navigation mode, because point numbers could have changed. 28. Allow pass thru to nav mode if no crdfiles exist on startup, but warn that a crdfile is needed. "Field Points" won't allow pass thru, because Save-As is available. 29. When a file of a certain type does not exist when trying to change, crash will no longer occur. 30. "Select Files" changed to "Manually Select Files". 31. Guideline and Profile files moved into Guideline Setup from "Manually Select Files". 32. Removed needless warning if no elevation existed on Guideline pick. 33. Reordered "Manually Select Files" screen to place most used items at top. 34. Reordered "Project Setup" screen to place most used items at top. 35. Added an "Adminstrative Tools" screen that includes now "Change Time Zone", "New Project", "Edit Project", "Registration", "Password", "Language", "Edit Tasks and Delays", and "File Utilities". Thus, the relevant items were removed from original locations. 36. In Localize (Alignment Editor), removed "Use" button which now has user select item of interest or double-tap item to change vertical or horizontal usage. 37. Changed in Localize, "Load" to "Setup", which allows for setting up all the localization options from there instead of the separate "Localization Options" that used to exist. 38. Changed "Project Options" to "Advanced Project Options". 39. Removed "General Options" screen and placed "Auto-Detect Direction" and "Set Time from GPS" into the "System Options". 40. Hid the "Radio" button that was not used yet, until it is to be used. Version 1.1 RC5: 1. Got the overlay text looking good. 2. Added closest elev, closest cut/fill, and actual slope. 3. Activities draw in status area now to differentiate from delays. 4. Gray bitmaps on disabled buttons. 5. Elapsed time for delays is showing in button dialog. 6. Text Options allow selectable overlay text. 7. Mining configuration removes spinner button in favor of another F? button. 8 Fixed zoom button sizing for full screen. 9. Browser dialog now shows highlighted item. 10. Select Project CRD file selection/clearing bug fixed. 11. CG now creates directories required by the program. 12. CG copies files from other volumes to the correct locations in "Manually Select Files". Version 1.1 RC4: 1. Drill forces cut/fill position and log/position to be at the BIT. 2. Added green cut/fill indicator to plan drawing and section drawing. 3. State grid selection now properly selects the system and zone. 4. UTM now respects Northern/Southern hemisphere. 5. UTM now auto-detects the default zone when changing system. 6. GPS antenna's now move as supposed to in the plan view. 7. AZI in the stake view now shows relative to bearing to the point. 8. Localization now updates properly when loaded or changed in Alignment Editor. 9. Monitor screen now displays proper cut/fill point. 10. Startup flicker is fixed for logon, registration, etc. 11. Random crash for flat pad is fixed. 12. Sporadic CL drawing is now fixed. 13. Moved reverse/other button to next to last in the button list. 14. Fixed centerline left/right mess up with the normal for drawing on plan and section. 15. Added icon for "Flag" in DrillMethod. 16. Slope boards are not configurable to left/right/both/none. 17. Added status view to all major screens where it made sense. 18. Removed directories from File Browser Dialogs, except for File Utilites one. 19. Fixed cl/pro bug -- came from LoadCenterline change. 20. Fixed visibility of surfaces from new: slope or flat pad. 21. Overhauled Carlson Grade Manual. Version 1.1 RC3: Serious issues - skipping. Version 1.1 RC2: 1. NavTo works for Field Points, as well as, All Holes & Individual Points. 2. Save Field Points To is disabled if do not have All Choices or Field Points selected. 3. All Holes drilled warning moved to All Holes or single points only. 4. CRD File needs to be set no longer displayed when Cancel from Field Points, unless it is on startup for the drill. 5. Modified Display Options button text, such that Show Cut/Fill At & Number of Decimals for Cut/Fill, fits onto one line. 6. Added to Display Options: Pattern Guide Design, Guide Spacing, and Guide Burden. These support Field Point Navigation. Only shown for Drill now. 7. Drawing the pattern guide layout circles. 8. Added CAPS lock feature to keyboard. 9. Added "Current Activity Code Dialog" that is a big button (as suggested by BC and BH). 10. Moved the surface write interval to "Other Project Options". 11. Drawing a single coordinate or alignment point in "Navigate To" with their respective symbols and sizes. 12. Drawing all coordinate points with symbols in the plan view for drill. 13. Localize can now choose a Point number from coord file or from the list of points for local coordinates. 14. More user friendly interface to project wizard. Cancel now works! 15. Passwords added to Edit and Select files in Project Menu. 16. More user friendly messages for security areas. 17. Better UI for waiting on position sensor and averaging points. 18. Added the DrillDepthDialog for drilling holes. 19. Centerline now supports more spirals and arcs. 20. Fixed stationing bug where the "base" station number was not used. 21. Fixed vehicle display in section and profile screens to match cut/fill screen. 22. Differentiate between vehicles better for cut/fill positions and log postitions. 23. Added correct colors for small cut/fill icon in views. 24. New alignment editor has been added. 25. Dialog sizes adjusted for width consistancy. 26. Planview auto-plan-rotate now behaves like a smooth moving map. 27. Found another vehicle section view drawing case that was not right and fixed it. 28. Fixed backward percent/ratio dialog in Slope/Ramp. 29. Slope/Ramp no longer prompts to save the current project. 30. Switch To... no longer prompts to save the current project. 31. Operator centric settings for personal display preferences. 32. Color schemes overwrite in bin directory for install. 33. Added "Delete" in SelectModelDialog for primary and existing. 34. Fixed delete slope/ramp and flat pad bug. 35. Fixed being used after switching to design. 36. slope.pln will no longer display after switching to design. 37. Warn if all holes drilled and disable drill button. 38. If Nav To Coordinate, then gets next number to save to crdfile if drill. 39. Reordered columns in DepthDialog to make Actual Depth entry clearer. 40. Added icons to depth list. 41. DepthDialog includes a Flag surface to mark special surfaces and writes them out to seperate files: surfacename.asc under the drilled directory. Version 1.1 RC1: 1. Stop Bits will now show correctly w/out floating format. 2. Excavator defaults modified for better accuracy and demo values. 3. Dual antennas now draw on excavator drawing, including color addition. 4. Ported entire Carlson Grade code to Linux. 5. Added scraper vehicle and the new icon for it. 6. Added body mount to dozer. 7. Option to report positions at either the tracks or the blade. 8. In "Make Slope", option "From Crd List" now works when selected. 9. Added guideline/profile option for Make Slope. 10. Added better default width entries to handle curved centerlines when creating slopes 11. Added width entries for "no cross slope" and "guideline/profile slope". 12. PlaceOnProject (used in simulation) now places vehicle on primary surface if no value found for slope surface. 13. Blocked selection of a file from the Flat Pad Surface (only elevation now), in the Surface Properties Dialog. 14. Blocked changing file name and type for Slope & Profile Surfaces in Surface Properties Dialog. 15. In Guideline Pick Dialog, if a 3D polyline is chosen, the profile will be saved along with the centerline now. 16. In Guideline Pick Dialog, if no elevations are present, user will have option to use a current profile or have none. 17. Added entry of a starting station (used to just default to zero) to the Guideline Pick Dialog. 18. Created a Profile surface (CLPRO.FLT) by combining the guideline and profile files, which defaults to slashed red surface to match the guideline planview format. 19. Blocked deletion of the Profile Surface from the Surface Properties Dialog. 20. A change of guideline or profile in either ini file, file selection, or from picking a new one, will update CLPRO.FLT appropriately. 21. Added a few default descriptions for specific files such as: Guideline, Profile, Created Flat Pad, Created Slope, and Actual Surface. 22. Default stearing limit is 1/10 ft. 23. Many more vehicles: drag scraper, cable shovel, hydraulic shovel, and compactor (still no icons). 23. The buttons now display the "work" to be done, grade, drill, dig, etc. 24. Drawing offset guideline now. 25. Smaller status area for larger plan view. 26. Radio icon in status. 27. Added toolbar placement to top/bottom screen. 28. Added "system default" color scheme. 29. Made Screen Setup dialog for new screen options. 30. Moved vehicle selection and settings to Advanced menu. 31. Added configure telescope dialog to log options. 32. Added actual and design elevation to display. 33. Added cut/fill arrow to "little" cut/fill text. 34. Added slope side icon. 35. Many more simulation key options for slope boards and excavator. 36. Made monitor text more readable. 37. Added Drill specific View with appropriate menu buttons - "work" and the "reverse / drill hole" depending on heavy equipment type. 38. Changed the GND.GRD (existing ground) for demo project to be a 3'x3' grid spacing versus 75'x80'. 39. Prevent creation of two new attribute grids when adding to list w/out leaving. 40. Made it so that if select "Navigate To..." when a drill, it will go to DrillView instead of the NavigateView. 41. Added selection for cut/fill position in DisplaySetupDialog. 42. Added selection for log position in LogSetupDialog. 43. Fixed bug in driver selection where "Next" appeared when not in wizard mode. 44. Fixed button placement and sizing. 45. Bizarre behavior for window sizing fixed (buttons only). 46. Fixed new centerline bug and the cl & pro selection time check changes. 47. Alpha-numeric crdfile now gets all points in range. 48. Created and added demo.crd to distribution data folder. 49. Added default navigation option to Navigation Options Dialog. 50. Alphanumerics now displayed in selection list. 51. When select NavTo and other items when crdfile will change, prompt for Project Save now comes up. 52. NavTo works for All Holes as well as individual points. 53. Added body and blade roll calibration. 54. Put "Next" bitmap when in wizard mode for vehicle select, sensor config, and sensor calibration. 55. Cut/Fill now matches on all screens. 56. NavCom driver improved. 57. NavCom StarFire menu added. See "Using NavCom StarFire with Carlson Grade.doc" 58. Added Best Quality option in the Driver Settings windows. 59. Improved Add button in Alignment (Localization) window. Version 1.0: 1. Added "Navigate To..." point number. 2. Point number now can be entered as alpha-numeric. 3. Fixed display of localization point number to not show 0. 4. Attribute now displayed without units versus feet/meters. 5. Plan files are no longer partially erased when reloaded. 6. Locate on Project works for primary/slope/pad now. 7. When Load new datfile in Localize, it asks to save to Project. 8. Fixed Project Save settings for wizard and normal. 9. Localization file crash when reloading several times is fixed. 10. Primary/slope/pad swap works now for Edit Project, etc. 11. Fixed slope board drawing to properly relate on plan and section view. 12. Made left slope board positive up for left up. 13. Corrected heading from dual gps antennas when antennas were not in line with real heading. 14. Slope perimeter draws in plan view. 15. GRADE.INI fixed so old file style and empty files do not corrupt file. 16. Toggling between projects and localization files now places you in correct spot all the time. 17. Corrected button label overrun in excavator for Boom to Pivot. 18. Added "Set Time from GPS" button in the General settings window. If set to on and Telescope option set to no, then the computer time will be set based on the GPS time. The default is off. 19. Warning surface warns now only if surface set to visible. Version 1.0.0 RC16: 1. Fixed centerline offset drawing in section view. 2. Added centerline offset drawing in plan view. 3. Made the offsets relative to the rotation point of the vehicle. 4. Added "Navigate To..." localization point. 5. Added demo project to installation. 6. Fixed slope board drawing. 7. Added color schemes for day/night visibility. 8. Tasks/Delays are now a tabbed dialog. Version 1.0.0 RC15: 1. Fixed reverse video selection to only effect certain colors instead of all colors. Version 1.0.0 RC14: 1. Added antenna mount offsets to dual antenna Topcon and used them to correct heading and tilt. 2. Tested heading and made sure correct for Topcon dual system. 3. Added support for Sokkia OEM3 drivers. 4. Fixed Drawing of Excavator plan view. 5. Added arc drawing support for polylines. 6. Login is now an optional feature. 7. Simplified display/screen setup menus. 8. Simplified primary/existing surface setup. Version 1.0.0 RC13: 1. Send Command and Reset buttons in Select Driver dialog are more reliable now. 2. Improved stability of selecting drivers. 3. Coordinate file point list selection is in a more usable format. 4. Browser dialog will not return the directory as a filename if no name selected, or Save-As name is empty. 5. Browser dialog will return your original file regardless of where you select cancel. 6. Error message shown if position driver not selected. 7. Cancel button in Position Driver and Heading Driver windows works better now. 8. Fixed text alignment in plan, profile, & section views. Attribute grid text not drawn if grid not visible. 9. Created more appropriate vehicle defaults for each vehicle type. 10. Fixed "Offset From Boom" terminology - it was reversed. 11. DrillVehicle drawn from drill point now, so that zoom and centering will be to that point. 12. Removed Guideline & Profile files from Guideline Options menu, so only in File Selection menu. 13. Pick centerline now saved properly and reloaded if the same name but data changed. 14. Cancel from localization options no longer queries for Save Project, and the original values are restored. 15. Added Port type "Replay" option to use port.log file as input for the driver instead of a Serial or USB port. Note that only files recorded with the same type driver will work. 16. If -debug command line option is used, the option to record the port activity to port.log is shown in the Serial and USB port option windows. 17. If -debug command line option is used, the option to change the name of the record or replay file name is shown. 18. Check Disk Space display alignment fixed. 19. Precision of stored and displayed entry match for all number entries except for the GPS and vehicle settings. 20. Moved Navigation Options into "Navigate To..." menu from the MainSetup menu. Alliance Landfill Version: 21. Storing the operator so the operator logon screen doesn't come up, we need to make this an option. 22. Commented out the idle delay code window, there is a bug or something that keeps making it pop up even after you select a delay code. 23. Added some text onto the plan, section and profile views, so far the only additions are the elevation of the target point and the current activity code selected. 24. Added a 'None' button on the activity code choice so the text on the plan view could be removed. 25. Added Autopoint at interval function. 26. Added calibrate_tilt function into the GPS tilt sensor menu for dmc tilt sensor. 27. Fixed a bug that caused the dmc tilt sensor not to work on some MC500 receivers. 28. Moved some option menus (file utilities, log, & navigate) into the advanced tools area. 29. Changed the default path for "delete file" to DataPath, to prevent access to program files. 30. Changed 'Heading' to 'Second GPS' for clarity. 31. Precision of stored entry and number displayed in Number entry menu match for all number entries in GPS and vehicle settings. The display will show all significant digits that can fit on button. 32. Simplified "Right Offset" and "Forward Offset" to just "Right" and "Forward" so more data dispalyed on buttons. 33. Other Surface list updates correctly now when a surface is removed. 34. Section view draws slices correctly for ALL headings. 35. Format functions now use the number of decimals assigned to the unit type. 36. Made vehicle and gps driver config buttons work with linear and angular units and precision. 37. Made vehicle files handle new config files (will make the cfg file contain metric later). 38. Added filtering of position sensors based on security key. 39. Removed the None option from the activity select dialog. 40. Made the operator logon an option. 41. Added support to Thales Aquarius to enter offset bias in linear vs. angular measurements w. baseline verification. 42. Fixed "north-arrow" drawing in planview. 43. Fixed XML configuration for drivers and vehicles. 44. Removed "Login" enable/disable button.